Saturday 30 May 2009

A right 'ol dust up......

30 May 2009
Driving into work and had to stop abruptly for these two Red legged Partridges - nothing untoward here, just a couple of Frenchmen out for a stroll......
a bit of a chat to one another, which clearly wasn't going well ...

talking over and it's down to fisty cuffs.............

a word in your ear matey.......................

tae-o-toshi if I'm not mistaken

At this point, I had to leave as it was getting far to violent for me. As I left they'd sort of made up and opted for a different tack ! with a lot of bubbling and squeeking noises going on.. No comment.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see they made up in the end... sometimes the best times are just after a fight... or so I'm told...
