Monday, 4 March 2013

Turn round

2 February 2013

On way into work and had a quick look for the White-tailed Eagle but to no avail again. 8.30am seems to be too early for it, and on leaving work 5.30pm and it's gone to roost. However in the rough field and wood behind the shop I saw a white blob in a tree over the road, and predictably, it was a Barn Owl. Excellent, but knowing how it is on roads these days, I knew I only had a minute before some other car came up behind me, and it's a more or less single track road. So better hurry up - but it was facing away for what seemed like an eternity.
  If only it would turn round, still no cars behind me. Then it turned and I had a good five minutes watching it before it flew off to quarter the field. So Barn Owl and no cars - lovely.
On arrival at the shop this moth greeted me, staying on the notice board all day. I am fairly sure it's a Pale Brindled Beauty.
And finally on the way home it was nice to see a flock of Gyr Falcons
Not often you see this many in a flock !

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