Saturday, 9 January 2010

Saved by the text....

9 January 2010
A long walk round the village and up to the lakes resulted in pure disappointment. Every Bullfinch, of which there were many, was either hidden or flew off on my approach, which was heralded by jumpy Blackbirds giving alarm calls - I'm beginning to go off them. Two Great Spotted Woodpeckers were showing well and one bird drumming away, then nice views and shots of Nuthatch. Arriving at the Barn, Mr Barn Owl saw me early and disappeared. Still not to worry some nice shots of other birds. School boy error ! - realised I'd left focus on manual and all shots were useless.

So coming near home and I get a text from Emma next door to tell me the two Snipe which have been using the drainage ditch were about and flying through her garden. It's a twitch.... I quicken my pace and arrive in the garden hoping to salvage something from the last three hours. A quick check with Emma on where they last where, and into my garden to creep around the compost bins and look into the ditch.

And there was a single Snipe in the ditch, brilliant. Very dark but ok for a record shot. The second bird called behind me and both took flight to land within ten foot of me, and I mean ten foot ! I daren't move. But slowly I moved the camera round....too much to expect and they both took flight again. However they did return to the ditch so a few more snaps were possible. Having watched them it is clear that they are also feeding in a very small patch of mud, about a square foot, in the ditch at Charity Farm and this is bathed in sunshine......

I'm off out again................

1 comment:

  1. Nice Snipe! And not overexposed or obviously captive... although now I am wondering if the bird has had its bill attached to some underwater weight, which would explain it "tolerating" such a close approach: caught you out again, Campey!
