27 May 2009
There seem to have been loads of young birds fledging in the last week and Long- tailed Tits are no exception. Here the young bird is trying to impersonate Zorro with it's dark brown mask....

But before long it will look like an adult Long- tailed Tit as shown above. Other fledglings have included Great Spotted Woodpecker bringing its single young into the garden, but currently camera shy, also Goldfinches, Blackbirds, and Dunnocks. The Swifts are wheeling around in the evening and attempting nesting two doors up in the old post office roof while House Martins have had a look at our eaves but don't appear very impressed. The Swallows are still nesting in our garage and coating the top of the cars with whatever they have recently eaten. Can't hear any chicks yet.
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