Well is it pointless, Blakeney Point that is ? of course not there is a Point albeit it covered in mist and while the rest of the UK basked in wall to wall sunshine , Blakeney Point, was there, as ever, no sun, lots of mist and coats required. Many would say on a day like today.... a pointless walk, but from my viewpoint it was great !
The thing is, it's a rarity proven hotspot, it has history, it's a long walk, and it's pretty much yours when you get there, overall it's a different world, and one I like.
I teamed up with "mind the gap" (if you knew him in the 70's), now know as "Al". Davies. Long time friend and now voling at the Point, helping to look after the Little Terns. I hadn't been to the Point for ages so it was great to have a guide, catch up on old times and do some birding. We spent five fine hours walking and birding. Ok not much about, but we were in it, and who knows what might have dropped in.
Our first migrant was a Whinchat at Yankee Ridge.

At the Point we saw another Spotted Flycatcher, a couple of phylloscopus warblers and a fine Black Redstart. A few Swallows added to the migration feel. A cup of coffee with the National Trust wardens and guardians was most welcome, then the walk back along the seashore, it was out there somewhere as we could hear it though not see it.
Some six hours later and I was driving back home inland, one mile away from the coast and the sum emerged as did the temperature, rising to 24 degrees back in Pentney.
My thanks to Malc, the National Trust wardens and Blakeney Point (it's a lot like Lundy but that's harder to explain).