Sunday, 13 September 2009

A lovely weekend

Saturday 5 September

Excellent weather so still some butterflies around on the fermenting pears. Most of the wind falls are pounced on by the wasps so I have decided to leave them out and see what arrives to feed. Zillions of wasps but also good numbers of butterflies.
This Red Admiral having a good feed, and then a bit of sunbathing
And here a Comma has come to a full stop ....................
And also in the garden it has been a mega year for Hornets. This time in the garden luckily, and not inside so no need to be nasty with the nest. Adults were coming to the fermenting fruit regularly. Their actual nest is high up in one of the Pine trees in the front garden.
Not forgetting the birds of course and plenty of fledged young and adults coming to the feeders , this Blue Tit stayed for the camera. 
The second brood of Swallows finally fledged, so that makes a total of twelves birds successfully hatched and flown. The adults and some young are still around though numbers are reducing every day as the ready for the trip to sub Saharan Africa.
Further down the road, hopefully not waiting for my young Swallows, this Kestrel, sat around on a telegraph pole.